A marketer by trade, but entertainment personality by passion, Vanessa Conde was born in Brooklyn, NY. She moved to Miami, FL in 2003 and began working as a lifestyle model and commercial actress. 

While she continued to pursue her day job as a Vice President of Marketing, she also managed to juggle her projects so as to purse her passion for being in front of the camera.

She's hosted shows for the Golf Channel, The Beach Channel and Discovery. She has voiced a number of radio commercials as well as corporate presentations for the cruise lines in Miami. 

Behind the scenes Vanessa has produced segments for the nationally syndicated TV show Urban Latino TV and created the travel show concept Pasaporte, a show that highlights the influence of Latinos around the world as seen through the eyes of a tourist.

Vanessa was a member of the funny and light-hearted all female trio on We Want It All TV, an online talk show that covered a variety of topics with a sensationalized focus on current issues facing the “Sex And The City” generation of women today.

Currently Vanessa is one of the hosts of, a music and culture site covering today’s modern music scene through original content, photography, exclusive interviews, music and concert reviews, and video storytelling from the artists themselves.

She is also co-creating the online web chat show called BESTIES with her real-life bestie Cammie Gregg of Los Angeles, CA. Slated to launch February 2015.